Channel Launch

Created integrated email and paid search channel launch for SaaS company, including web page, emails, infographic, ebook, landing page, Google Ads.

Software platform with success in the education space wanted to expand to the enterprise workplace.

More than 4 dozen leads generated, projected ROI X 20 based on average deal size and cost per lead.


eBook: HR Tech Tools that Simplify Health and Safety Management

Infographic: HR Priorities in Today’s Workplace

Web Page: Health, Safety and Risk Management Software

Google Ads


Created overall strategy, site maps and wireframes for Kokomo24/7 and mPACT2WO. Lead team of creatives and developers from concept to launch.

    Overall upgrade of B2B website incorporating updated branding, customer journey, personas and SEO strategy
  • https://mpact2wo
    Quick launch for an innovation start-up focused on converting complex messaging to content that can be quickly consumed by targeted audience

Pillar pages

Infographics & Checklists

Strategize and manage content creation and design for Arcoro and ExakTime short-form assets. Partner with demand gen team to create content that supports lead generation and conversion. Partner with sales to create content that moves prospects through the sales funnel. Manage copywriters, designers, write copy, copy editing, creative supervision.



Ebooks & Guides

Strategize and manage content creation and design for Arcoro and ExakTime long-form assets. Partner with demand gen team to create content that supports lead generation and coversion. Partner with sales to create content that moves prospects through the sales funnel. Manage copywriters, designers, write copy, copy editing, creative supervision.




Using SEO insights and analytics that track site visits, engagement and customer behavior, I create content and design a user experience that attracts, engages and converts.

With SEO strategy, captured a 200% increase in organic site visits within 1 year.

Responsible for SEO content strategy, management of copywriters and copy editing for Arcoro and ExakTime, an Arcoro product blogs.

UX update to the Arcoro blog to increase engagement and create lead conversions.

  • Social sharing buttons prominent
  • Bold Call to Action
  • Related Posts
  • Invitation to Subscribe

Blogs I have also written in current a previous roles: